Monday, November 29, 2010

I can't feel this post

My hands have really bad circulation. As in, really, really, bad. When my body gets too cold, my hands protest by not sharing any blood with it; they lose color and feeling, and the lack of blood makes them very thin (note to self: use cold as strategy if I ever get a ring stuck on my finger). My boyfriend tells me I should wear gloves all the time, but I'm afraid someone might mistake me for someone from the Rent is Too Damn High Party.

The only reason I'm even typing this now is to see 1) whether the motion of typing would get the blood flowing, 2) what it feels like/what it doesn't feel like to type with numb fingers, and 3)whether I'd be able to hit the right keys. To answer number one, no; for number two, as if I were hitting the key with some part of my finger farther from the tip; and as for number three, thanks to the delete button, you can't tell. Mwah-ha-ha.

This might be a medical problem, but I'm guessing the doctor would tell me to wear gloves, and I think we're still too close to the Michael Jackson Era for me to pop out a glove for my one of my cold hands while indoors.

Well, like I said, cold finger was the only reason I wrote this entry, and the numbness is losing its luster. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go run some water over them-- anything to avoid the gloves.

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